Peter Schön

Ski Alpinist, Ski Guide, Photographer


The Daily Commute

This photo I took discretely in the metro of Tbilisi (Georgia). But it could have been taken in the metro of any city in the world. No matter how different cities are on the surface, life inside the Metro trains seems the same. Cramped, dark, dank, and yet we seem to find time and place there for short contemplation and daydreaming that we cannot find in the bustling life above. The pace of the city comes to a forced stop, you drift of in thoughts, interrupted by the announcements of the familiar names of metro station and shuffling around of people. How many metro stations do you pass everyday and never get off at, wondering what may be there? (Published as Leica Fotografie International Photo Story)



Metropolis is a movie from 1927, describing the life in a dystopian, futuristic urban metropolitan city. I captured this image in Tokyo, one of the busiest cities in the world. It shows the overpowering atmosphere of city skyscrapers and this strange loneliness cities can create for the individual – one amongst many, yet alone in an alienating environment of anonymity, impersonality and the fast-paced urban life. I am often in cities, more by necessity than choice. In cities I loose my inner equilibrium, and in the crowds of people I feel lonely. At the same time, the anonymity of a big city and its pulsating life also draw me in a strange way and metropolis captures me, just like on this day in Tokyo.

(Published as Leica Fotografie International Photo Story)